Kamen works as a lifestyle management consultant who explores the art and science of happiness as a speaker, author, and positive psychology expert. Through her globally syndicated podcast, books, media appearances, and documentary film, Lisa has impacted millions of people around the world.
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But when a large percentage of our friends exist only online, do we miss many of the rewarding aspects of friendship? When faced with hardship or tragedy can online support be enough to accommodate true healing? Where do we draw the line between virtual and physical connections? Host, Lisa Kamen welcomes two observers of digital declarations, Luvvie Ajayi and Professor Russell Golman. Luvvie takes a jocular punch at social media realities and hashtag madness and Professor Golman describes how our digital behavior corresponds to happiness and our collective welfare.
Luvvie Ajayi, award-winning writer, pop culture critic, is the comedic voice behind the popular blog AwesomelyLuvvie.com, which has caught the attention of likes of Shonda Rhimes and Ava DuVernay for both her ‘Scandal’ recaps and social commentary. Luvvie is also a digital strategist, and noted speaker. Luvvie was born in Nigeria and now lives in Chicago.
Book: I’m Judging You: The Do Better Manual
Awsomelyluvvie Website
@iLuvvit on Twitter
Awesomely Luvvie on Facebook
Russell Golman is an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Economics and Decision Sciences in the Department of Social & Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. Professor Golman combines economics, psychology, and mathematics to develop theories about why people make the choices they make. He is known for his behavioral decision research on the topic of belief-based utility and his behavioral game theory research on the topic of strategic decision making in social interactions. His pioneering, interdisciplinary research has been published in academic journals in economics, psychology, and decision making.
Russell Golman on Carnegie Mellon Website
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“Actions speak louder than words.” @iLuvvit @HH_TalkRadio Share on X“You can absolutely build solid, genuine relationships online.” @iLuvvit @HH_TalkRadio Share on X“Perspective is everything.” @iLuvvit @HH_TalkRadio Share on X“We are not our social media personas.” @LisaKamen on @HH_TalkRadio Share on X“Post Traumatic Growth is when you are able to take a terrible situation and be positively transformed by it.” @LisaKamen on @HH_TalkRadio Share on X“It's much easier to get through difficult times when you know that there are people who care about you and who want to help.” — Prof. Russell Golman on @HH_TalkRadio Share on X“As a whole, the younger generation seems quite confident in their ability to create change in the world.” — Prof. Russell Golman on @HH_TalkRadio Share on X“The billionaire is not a billion times more happy than the average Joe.” @LisaKamen on @HH_TalkRadio Share on X
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