Kamen works as a lifestyle management consultant who explores the art and science of happiness as a speaker, author, and positive psychology expert. Through her globally syndicated podcast, books, media appearances, and documentary film, Lisa has impacted millions of people around the world.
meet your host
Did you make a New Year’s resolution for 2012? Have you already broken it? Are you still sticking with it? Maybe you didn’t even make a resolution because you don’t want to repeat failed previous attempts. We all begin with the best intentions, and most of us, somewhere along the way, self-sabotage our goals. Our guest this week shows us how to take our resolutions and turn them into revolutions. Learn the 3 keys that all successful people already know and apply them to your life to create the happiness you deserve.
Lisa Steadman is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, sought after speaker, results coach, creative consultant, and CEO of Woohoo, Inc. A masterful mentor when it comes to Awakening your Woohoo Within™, Lisa loves showing woman how to awaken and step into their spotlight, stake their claim in the world, and create the life, relationships, and business of their dreams. Lisa is a frequent media contributor, having appeared on The Today Show, The Tyra Banks Show, iVillage Live, The Fran Drescher Show, Playboy Radio, and New Zealand’s Good Morning. In 2012, she’s leading a year long mission called The Year of You to help women celebrate themselves and stop playing small.
Lisa can be found online at lisasteadman.com and on the radio every Wednesday at 5:00PM EST
Nothing gives Happiness like a FREE gift!
Find your Happiness with Lisa Cypers Kamen every Wednesday at 9 am PST/12 pm EST on Toginet.com! For more information, visit Lisa’s websites, www.hh4heroes.org, www.harvestinghappinesstalkradio.com , andwww.harvestinghappiness.com
Our communications do not constitute mental health treatment nor is it indicative of a private therapeutic relationship.
Individuals seeking help for trauma related issues or other psychological concerns should seek out a mental health professional.
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