Kamen works as a lifestyle management consultant who explores the art and science of happiness as a speaker, author, and positive psychology expert. Through her globally syndicated podcast, books, media appearances, and documentary film, Lisa has impacted millions of people around the world.
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Does something in this conversation resonate with you? Are you in need of a professional speaker who can elevate your tribe & enliven your culture? Lisa Cypers Kamen is an award-winning speaker, author & happiness expert who facilitates life-changing presentations for organizations of any size. The science is clear, happier people thrive in life. If you are ready to inject joy into your organization, find out which program is best for you at Lisa’s Live Events.
Guy Macpherson, PhD, is a husband, a father of two, and holds a doctorate in clinical psychology. He has spent the last several years studying the impact and treatment of trauma, and early psychosis. In 2014, Guy founded The Trauma Therapist Project with the goals of raising the awareness of trauma and creating an educational and supportive community for new trauma workers. The Trauma Therapist Project has now grown to include The Trauma Therapist | Podcast, now being listened to in more than 160 countries around the world, as well as Trauma Therapist | 2.0, an online membership community specifically dedicated to educating and inspiring trauma workers just starting out on their trauma-informed journey.
Website: https://www.thetraumatherapistproject.com
Twitter: @guycmacpherson
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/guymacphersonphd
Terriann Walling is a founding partner of Purple Fire Publications and a co-author, with writing partner George Gerard, of the newly released book Permeate and Penetrate: Trauma and Reformulation Poetry. Terriann, who is from Saskatoon, Canada, and George, who is from San Francisco, first met on an online writing forum and started working together on a fictional novel with protagonists that personified aspects of trauma. That collaboration fostered their exploration and theory of Reformulation Poetry.
Website: https://purplefirepublications.ca/
Twitter: @PurpleFirePub
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/purplefirepublications
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“Many if not most people have experienced a certain type of trauma.” — @guymacpherson Share on XA trauma response is a very natural way to respond to unnatural amounts of stress. Share on X“You just need to be open and willing to be vulnerable with another human to come together in order to reform things that have affected you in your life.” — @PurpleFirePub Share on X
“If you take the secret out of the closet or shine a light on it, it's no longer as scary.” @LisaKamen on @HH_TalkRadio Share on X “It's really quite beautiful to work with another person and collaborate through instant writing.” @PurpleFirePub Share on XFree Gift — Sign up to get your free Happiness Headlines Ezine!
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Our communications do not constitute mental health treatment nor is it indicative of a private therapeutic relationship.
Individuals seeking help for trauma related issues or other psychological concerns should seek out a mental health professional.
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