Kamen works as a lifestyle management consultant who explores the art and science of happiness as a speaker, author, and positive psychology expert. Through her globally syndicated podcast, books, media appearances, and documentary film, Lisa has impacted millions of people around the world.
meet your host
Lissa Rankin, M.D. is a physician whose research led her to discover that our bodies have natural self-repair mechanisms that can be activated or disabled based on thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that originate in the mind. She is on a mission to heal our broken health care system, help patients play a more active role in healing themselves, and encourage the health care industry to embrace and facilitate, rather than resist, the body’s self-healing capacities. Lissa has written 3 books, speaks around the world, blogs at LissaRankin.com, paints professionally, and founded the Whole Health Medicine Institute.She leads a mentoring program for visionaries, founded the wellness communities HealHealthCareNow.com and OwningPink.com, and teaches online programs, such as “Find Your Calling” with Dr. Martha Beck and Amy Ahlers, and “Visionary Ignition Switch,” an online business school for visionaries co-created with Amy Ahlers.
Her work has been featured extensively in the national media, including O magazine, The New York Times, CNN, Health, Women’s Health, Self, Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, Glamour, and Cosmopolitan. To learn more about Lissa and her work, visit: http://lissarankin.com
Find your Happiness with Lisa Cypers Kamen every Wednesday at 9 am PST/12 pm EST on www.toginet.com/shows/harvestinghappiness ! For more information, visit Lisa’s websites, www.hh4heroes.org, www.harvestinghappinesstalkradio.com , and http://harvestinghappiness.com
Our communications do not constitute mental health treatment nor is it indicative of a private therapeutic relationship.
Individuals seeking help for trauma related issues or other psychological concerns should seek out a mental health professional.
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