Kamen works as a lifestyle management consultant who explores the art and science of happiness as a speaker, author, and positive psychology expert. Through her globally syndicated podcast, books, media appearances, and documentary film, Lisa has impacted millions of people around the world.
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Original Air Date Wednesday, July 10, 2024.
For many women, rising above trauma can feel unattainable in public life and utterly impossible when under the restraints of incarceration. But, women, being who they are, build mutual support systems behind bars that foster resilience and underpin transformations not often correlated with stories of life in prison.
To discover ways of transcending incarceration, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with an internationally recognized clinician, author, organizational consultant, lecturer, and a pioneer in addiction, trauma, and recovery, Dr. Stephanie Covington.
Dr. Covington shares findings from her decades of experience working with institutions, and her latest book, Hidden Healers: The Unexpected Ways Women in Prison Help Each Other Survive. She talks about the healing journeys within our broken prison systems and describes the community that develops between incarcerated women.
Dr. Stephanie S. Covington is an internationally recognized clinician, author, organizational consultant, and lecturer. A pioneer in the fields of addiction, trauma, and recovery,
Dr. Covington has developed an innovative, gender-responsive, and trauma-informed approach resulting in effective services in public, private, and institutional settings.
Her presentations, seminars, and technical assistance focus on systems changes and the development of caring, compassionate, and empowering therapeutic environments.
Book: Hidden Healers: The Unexpected Ways Women in Prison Help Each Other Survive
Follow Dr. Stephanie S. Covington PhD:
Are We Happy Yet? Eight Keys to Unlocking a Joyful Life — A boot camp manual for greater emotional fitness. Happiness waits for no one and sometimes we all need support. What is getting in the way of your happiness right now?
H–Factor: Where is Your Heart? — Lisa’s documentary film explores the journey of human happiness. Emotions are contagious and happiness is a universally desired state. We tend to forget we all have the freedom to be happy or the liberty to be miserable each day.
Our communications do not constitute mental health treatment nor is it indicative of a private therapeutic relationship.
Individuals seeking help for trauma related issues or other psychological concerns should seek out a mental health professional.
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