Kamen works as a lifestyle management consultant who explores the art and science of happiness as a speaker, author, and positive psychology expert. Through her globally syndicated podcast, books, media appearances, and documentary film, Lisa has impacted millions of people around the world.
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Has a child ever described something or someone from the past so succinctly that it surprises you? Anomalous experiences come with more questions than answers. In this episode, Lisa speaks with two people who dabble in the unexplained. Professor Etzel Cardeña presumes there is more to human nature than our ordinary state of consciousness and Rachel Stavis releases entities from human hosts.
Professor Etzel Cardeña was born and raised in México, he has advanced degrees from Canada and the US and was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University. He holds the endowed Thorsen Chair in psychology at Lund University in Sweden, one of the top universities in Europe,where he directs the Center for Research on Consciousness and Anomalous Psychology (CERCAP). His areas of research include alterations of consciousness and unusual or anomalous experiences, dissociative processes and acute posttraumatic reactions, the neuroscience of hypnosis and meditation, and the stream of consciousness during waking and altered states.
Rachel Stavis is a screenwriter for film, television and video games, R.H. Stavis created the backstory for Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, and has published four horror novels. A professional exorcist who pushed her gift for communicating with the spirit world away for many years, fearlessly turned what she once regarded as a curse into a blessing to help those in need. Stavis has cleansed thousands of tormented people, from small children to musicians, politicians, and everyone in between, quietly performing her work in obscurity, until now.
Twitter: @RHStavis
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“Consciousness is less limited than we think it is.” — Etzel Cardeña on @HH_TalkRadio Share on X“The majority of people who have experiences of feeling energy or communicating with others telepathically are psychologically fine.” — Etzel Cardeña on @HH_TalkRadio Share on X“A lot of people are walking around with an entity and don't even realize they have it.” — @RHStavis on @HH_TalkRadio Share on X“You can see how connected spirit children are.” — @RHStavis on @HH_TalkRadio Share on X
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