Kamen works as a lifestyle management consultant who explores the art and science of happiness as a speaker, author, and positive psychology expert. Through her globally syndicated podcast, books, media appearances, and documentary film, Lisa has impacted millions of people around the world.
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Original Air Date Wednesday, December 26, 2018. In this episode, we explore valuable lessons on longevity.
Can acting and feeling young reset your biological clock? Is our life expectancy an inherited trait or do we have the power to increase our longevity through mindset, diet, and nutrition? What mental characteristics do centenarians have in common?
Harvesting Happiness Host, Lisa Kamen, seeks answers to these questions from her two distinguished guests.
Dr. Valter Longo talks about the science of longevity and how diet and nutrition can change the brain. And, Dr. Mario Martinez shares his findings of how our cultural upbringing impacts our immune systems ability to preserve youthfulness.
Dr. Valter Longo is the director of the Longevity Institute at USC in Los Angeles, and of the Program on Longevity and Cancer at IFOM (Molecular Oncology FIRC Institute) in Milan. His studies focus on the fundamental mechanisms of aging in simple organisms and mice and on how they can be translated to humans. Not coincidentally, Longo is from a town in Italy that is home to some of the longest- lived people in the world.
Book: The Longevity Diet: Discover the New Science Behind Stem Cell Activation and Regeneration to Slow Aging, Fight Disease, and Optimize Weight
Follow Dr. Valter Longo:
Dr. Mario Martinez is a clinical neuropsychologist. He proposes a new science of hope to replace the limitations of the gloom and doom theories of reductionist science. He is the founder of biocognitive science: a new mind-body paradigm that investigates the inherited causes of health and the cultural learning of longevity.
Dr. Martinez is considered a world expert on healthy longevity. He lives in Montevideo, Uruguay and Miami, Florida.
Book: The MindBody Self: How Longevity Is Culturally Learned and the Causes of Health Are Inherited
Follow Dr. Mario Martinez:
Are We Happy Yet? Eight Keys to Unlocking a Joyful Life — A boot camp manual for greater emotional fitness. Happiness waits for no one and sometimes we all need support. What is getting in the way of your happiness right now?
H–Factor: Where is Your Heart? — Lisa’s documentary film explores the journey of human happiness. Emotions are contagious and happiness is a universally desired state. We tend to forget we all have the freedom to be happy or the liberty to be miserable each day.
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