Kamen works as a lifestyle management consultant who explores the art and science of happiness as a speaker, author, and positive psychology expert. Through her globally syndicated podcast, books, media appearances, and documentary film, Lisa has impacted millions of people around the world.
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The key is embracing the challenges and using them to serve us. Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks to a leader in the world of transformation, Kristine Carlson about being reborn and becoming the hero of our own epic journey and with international bestselling author, Dr. Erica Miller about her Holocaust journey and how she shifted from trauma to triumph.
Does something in this conversation resonate with you? Are you in need of a professional speaker who can elevate your tribe & enliven your culture? Lisa Cypers Kamen is an award-winning speaker, author & happiness expert who facilitates life-changing presentations for organizations of any size. The science is clear, happier people thrive in life. If you are ready to inject joy into your organization, find out which program is best for you at Lisa’s Live Events.
Kristine Carlson is a New York Times bestselling author, speaker, and leader in the field of transformation. After collaborating with her late husband Dr. Richard Carlson to create a publishing industry phenomenon with the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series— selling more than 25 million copies worldwide — today, Kris is emerging as a profound teacher in the areas that matter most to the human heart: how to heal and how to love. In her forthcoming book, From Heartbreak to Wholeness: The Hero’s Journey to Joy, she offers a process for healing that goes beyond common prescriptions for getting through the pain of heartbreak of all kinds.
Kristine Carlson Website
@KristineCarlson on Twitter
Kristine Carlson on Facebook
Dr. Erica Miller holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and has written extensively on various topics of positive psychology. She is the author of Thanks for My Journey, a memoir chronicling, in part, her experience of living in a Nazi holding camp in the Ukraine between the ages of seven and eleven, Don’t Tell Me I Can’t Do It – Living Audaciously in the Here and Now and her newest book Chronologically Gifted: Aging with Gusto. Dr. Miller is a sought-after clinician and motivational speaker, most recently addressing such topics as overcoming life challenges, the importance of education, aging with gusto, and achieving one’s full potential.
Dr. Erica Miller Website
@EricaMillerPhD on Twitter
Dr. Erica Miller on Facebook
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“You have to ask yourself, ‘Am I going to choose to be the victim or the hero of my own epic journey?’” — @KristineCarlson Share on X“When the ego dies it allows us to be reborn and to remember who we really are.” — @KristineCarlson Share on X“Age is just a number and I am attracting young people around me like crazy. They want to get old, healthy like me.” — @EricaMillerPhD Share on X“You are not your past.” — @EricaMillerPhD Share on X“Your purpose, to me, is to be a beacon of light, hope and positivity.” @LisaKamen to @EricaMillerPhD Share on X
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Individuals seeking help for trauma related issues or other psychological concerns should seek out a mental health professional.
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